Our dream is to see a thriving Word and Spirit Church planted in North County San Diego that will multiply disciples and churches into neighborhoods and nations.

Our Mission is to help people come to Jesus, connect within His Church, and continue His works.



We see a community that is anchored to the word of God - first to His written word - the Bible, and also to His spoken word to us. We will trust what God has to say, more than our own strengths, ideas, and opinions as we build our lives upon what He says.


We see a vibrant local church where it is easy to recognize that Jesus is ALIVE. We are engaging with God who lives, and moves, and speaks. We see a church full of those who love Him, and love to be in His Presence, and a place where people can experience God from the moment they walk in.


Jesus said that true faith is evidenced by how we love one another. God’s passion isn’t just a plan or a place - it’s a people. We see a church that loves and values each other and what God is doing in and through us together.


Good news must be shared. If we really believe that Jesus is the hope of the world, we have to share this message in a way the world can hear. We are building a community of people on mission: who love and pursue those who aren’t yet following Jesus, and work to lovingly point them toward Jesus.

The Beginning

Commonwealth Church is a dream that has lived in our hearts for decades - a church that would lead people toward encountering Jesus, finding their place in His family (the local church), and stepping into His mission. The beginning of this dream becoming a reality took place in early 2017. We launched Commonwealth Church with its first public gathering near downtown San Diego on February 26th of that year. Over the course of the next three years, Commonwealth grew and reached many for Christ. New ministries took shape and a larger gathering space was required. We moved our Sunday services a bit more north to Clairemont High School in late 2019. This move north felt Spirit-led and significant for our community. Little did we know drastic changes not only for Commonwealth but for the entire world were about to hit.

The Middle

March 2020 was a monumental moment in history, and like everyone else, Commonwealth was impacted greatly by the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. When the pandemic hit Commonwealth was a young church plant and like many church plants, we did not have our own facility to meet in. The Covid closures caused our gatherings to be paused for a significant amount of time only allowing for an online expression of our services. While our young church community was remarkable in its flexibility and resilience in gathering in homes to watch online services and to connect over zoom, losing the larger gathering also meant a loss of momentum for Commonwealth.

This season also brought with it new challenges on a more personal level. Right in the midst of this time when gatherings were restricted, Nick received a surprising cancer diagnosis. Alongside the personal battle for health that Nick would be facing, this diagnosis also brought new limitations for him and for the family regarding participation in group gatherings. It felt as though much of Commonwealth’s forward progress came to a halt. We engaged with this season as a time to heal and a time to walk with those who were still with us through the tough pandemic season.

Early 2022 brought with it news of clear scans, and no signs of remaining cancer for Nick. It also brought with it a greater openness in our region for larger group gatherings. As we started to regather as a church community it became apparent that we needed some significant shifts to reengage our mission and reposition our efforts toward North County San Diego.

After a significant season of prayer and seeking wise counsel, we decided that it would be best for the future of Commonwealth to take a short pause and allow for a process of discernment. We called our church to take 4 intentional weeks to pray and process whether the Lord was calling them to help replant Commonwealth in this next season. With so much change for Commonwealth both in external circumstances and in our shift toward North County, we knew that there were some who had been journeying with us who might need the freedom to explore whether or not being part of the team that replants Commonwealth would be the best fit for them moving forward. We understood that the cost of this break would be saying goodbye to some good people and would put us in a place where we are dependent on God for financial support. However as we counted the cost, we had a sense that God was leading us this way and we knew it was worth the risk for the future of the Commonwealth.


We have since regathered with a passionate and brave core team who are excited to plant in North County San Diego. Over the next several months we are engaging plan to re-establish Commonwealth in this area. Our current focus is on gathering people together to encounter God, worship together, pray for our city, build community, and find ways to serve and reach the lost. We will continue to grow our core team and prepare the space that we have recently moved into to be a place of hope and healing for the community. And then finally in fall 2023, we will launch a full expression of Commonwealth Church with a full expression of Sunday gatherings, weekly groups, and ministries. We are so grateful that God has given us the grace to go again and we cannot wait to see who He brings and what He builds!



While the message never changes, the way in which it is communicated is always changing. This leads us to the conclusion that there is always a need for a new church, a new way of communicating the gospel, and a new vision of what it means to be the church today in any given city. Further, studies have consistently shown that planting new churches is by far the most effective means of reaching unchurched people with the Gospel message. Statistically, new churches best reach new generations, new residents, and new people groups – and that is exactly what we hope to do in North County San Diego.

We don’t seek to replace any of the great ministry that is being done by remarkable churches throughout the county, only to join them in the same mission that Jesus gave all of us. We believe it takes the whole Church to reach the whole City.