In partnership with RIP medical debt, we have been able to seize the opportunity to purchase $1,577,106.77 of medical debt that individuals and families from the San Diego County area have been burdened with. Through the generosity of our community during our annual Kingdom Builders offering, we were able to purchase this debt and forgive it all. This transaction clears the medical debt responsibility for 809 families in our city.
It is our honor and joy to participate in this opportunity because we as followers of Jesus know what it feels like to live under a debt we would never be able to repay. We also know the immense joy and relief of hearing the words, “your debt is paid. It is finished. You are free.” If Jesus freely and willingly gave his life for us, so that we could experience freedom from guilt and stand free and forgiven before God, we can’t help but take opportunities to reflect His grace and give generously so others can experience freedom.